Starting Mounjaro after the Holidays

I have been waiting for a drug like Mounjaro for decades.

All my life I have struggled with my weight. I remember in elementary school they made us weigh at each report card time. In 3rd grade I broke 100 lbs. By my wedding at age 18, I weighed 170 lbs. And yes, the dress I had purchased a year earlier no longer fit. By my 40th birthday, I had reached what would be my highest weight ever: 253 lbs. It was at that point I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and the accompanying Insulin Resistance (IR). Metformin helped me get down to where my body insists I should be: 200 lbs. For 20 years, my body and I have done a yo-yo dance. I have gotten as low as 168–for about 2 weeks and have weighed as much as 215, where I am today. Somewhere along the way, I began reading about weight loss pharma. I recall when they isolated the hormone that made you feel satiated. I recall the predictions that one day there would be a pill. I remember studies that connected Diabetes 2 and obesity. Oh, and I remember the first time my doctor noted “obese” on my chart and apologized for it.

Although D2 drugs that lead to weight loss like Ozempic and Wegovy have been around for awhile, it was not until the Mounjaro (tirzepatide) studies were announced with astonished and promising fanfare that I seriously began to hope. Was my 5 decade fantasy finally becoming a reality, like tvs in watches and time travel (I can hope, can’t I?)?

Mounjaro still has some setbacks: prohibitive cost, side effects, unproven record, threat of thyroid cancer, etc. But when I saw weight loss of up to 22.5% in study participants, I began to follow the research intently. It was approved by the FDA in May 2022 and showed up as an approved D2 drug in my insurance drug by Fall 2022. I decided to ask my doctor to prescribe it for me. I had my arguments laid out, see above with D2 threats sprinkled in. To my surprise, she had no qualms about trying me on it. My insurance company requires Prior Authorization, which I thought would take several days, but by that evening, tirzepatide showed up in my medications in MyChart. I was jaw droppingly amazed.

So here are some steps I have taken to begin my journey:

  1. I bought scales to start weighing myself daily again. For me, it has to be every day.
  2. I am committed to begin eating more healthily to start balancing out before I begin my Mounjaro, which will be when it gets in stock and after the holiday.
  3. I am making sure my doctor calls the insurance company for a Prior Approval. With PA, the cost is $25. Without, $1,000. It’s worth my time to get the dang thing approved.
  4. I took a “Day Zero” photo of myself. I have never done this, partly because I just never took the time to and partly because of really not wanting to see fat me documented in a photo. Mounjaro requires a re-wiring of the way you think, so I see this as a first step.

Day Zero Picture. Do you know how hard it is for me to post this picture? Even as I write, I can’t help staring at it. All I see are the fat parts. Well, it’s on.

To be honest, after reading blogs and sub-Reddit posts, I am a bit terrified of the side effects of Mounjaro. I won’t list them here, but the Reddit folks don’t hold back describing them. I can’t imagine working if I have some of them (I’m looking at you, Sulphur Burp). Still, I am willing to risk it. There are those who will judge and criticize me for not being happy and comfortable in my body, for wanting to put myself through a drug regimen to re-shape myself, for being driven by a smaller number and clothing size. Good for them. They obviously are not driven by the burning desire to shop for regular sized clothes at Talbots. I’m serious. When I go shopping there for my work clothes, I head straight to the back of the store for the plus sizes, which is about 1/4 of the store. The other 3/4 has a wide variety of cute, colorful, stylish clothes that go up to a size 16. I currently wear a size 16W, but those never come in candy apple red velveteen. So yes, what will get me through the nausea and other unnamed bodily functions are sexy pants and matching sweater.

I have included two helpful resources I found on Reddit. First is Best Food Choices for Ozempic, Wegovy & Mounjaro Weight Loss: Dr Lipman Endocrinologist

Here is Mounjaro/Ozempic/Wegovy/Trulicity Tips

*Take injection after a protein fortified meal

*Start fiber, magnesium powder or digestive enzymes listed below, at the start of the prescription so you don’t end up with severe constipation

*Take a multivitamin

*Eat protein every 3 hours (goal 80g – 100g a day) to maintain muscle mass during weight loss

*Drink 1-2 servings of sugar free electrolytes a day if eating low carb

*Drink 60+ oz of water daily

*Determine your daily caloric intake based on BMR & TEE determined by a dietitian/nutritionist. DO NOT go below 1000 calories – too few calories will stall your metabolism and the scale.

*Once you know daily caloric goal, track calories in an app like MyFitnessPal-

Low Carb Protein Drink Suggestions 


-Orgain –

-Premier Protein –

-Fairlife Core Power –

-Fairlife –


-Clean Simple Eats –

-Premier Protein –

– Just Ingredients-


– eat protein every 3 hours

– drink electrolytes –

– Non Drowsy Dramamine –

– Ginger Tablets –

– Isopropyl alcohol inhalation – 

– Zofran prescription – can create additional constipation


– Fiber

– Calm Magnesium Powder –

– Digestive Enzymes –

– Miralax –

– laxatives, senna or Smooth Move tea are not suggested because they are absorb into the bloodstream and can be addictive


– Digestive enzymes before you eat

– Gas X before you eat

– Vitanica Digestion Tonic –

Acid Reflux

Immediate Relief

* Apple Cider Vinegar 2 TBSP  in 8 oz of water

* Apple Cider Vinegar Supplement

* Tums

* Mylanta

Long Term Relief (take daily) –

* Bromelain –

* Digestive Enzymes –


* Mary Ruth’s Liquid –

* Passion 4 Life Liquid

* Vimerson Health

* Ritual

Loose Skin/Hair Loss 

* Vital Protein Collagen –

* Physician’s Choice –

* Sanar Naturals Collagen –

* Dr Emil Hair, Skin & Nails –

Long Term Results

The goal while losing weight is to learn how to make different choices and create new habits that will create sustainable, long term results that start with mindset work. Here are a few books on Audible that will help you assess your brain and your habits!

* Chasing Cupcakes –

* Beck Diet Solution –

* Beck Diet Solution Workbook

* Never Binge Again –

If you are looking for virtual doctors who are prescribing to compounding pharmacies, here are a few to research




Food choices:

Medical Advice Disclaimer


The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this document are for informational purposes only. No information on this document is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this document.

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